AFF says will continue its fight till
- Massoud Naimi
- December 22, 2023
AFF says will continue its fight till environment favorable for complete disarmament The Afghanistan Freedom Front (AFF) has stated that it will continue its “liberation efforts” until the environment is conducive for the complete disarmament of the Taliban and the transfer of power to a third party, followed by the holding of free and fair […]
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The Taliban has converted 28 schools into military bases in Panjshir.
- Massoud Naimi
- March 23, 2023
Officials from the Taliban’s Ministry of Education in the Panjshir province acknowledge that their forces have taken over 28 school buildings and turned them into military bases. Maulvi Mutiullah, the Deputy Director of Education for the Taliban in Panjshir, confirmed this at the start of the new academic year ceremony on Wednesday, April 1st. He […]
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We demand the immediate release of Zakaria Asouli
- Massoud Naimi
- February 5, 2023
It is with deep concern that we write to raise awareness about the recent arrest of Zakaria Asouli, a prominent author and researcher in Afghanistan. Zakaria is well known for his numerous books, including “Doha Agreement between the Taliban and the US,” and has made a significant contribution to the cultural and intellectual life of […]
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Barbaric Killing of Former Afghan Special Force Soldier by Taliban Highlights Inhumane Treatment of Prisoners
- Massoud Naimi
- February 5, 2023
“Barbaric Killing of Former Afghan Special Force Soldier by Taliban Highlights Inhumane Treatment of Prisoners Kabul, Afghanistan – In a shocking turn of events, the Taliban prisons in Afghanistan have been exposed for the horrors that take place within their walls. Reports have surfaced that prisoners, including former Afghan Special Forces soldier Sattar Sirat, have […]
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The role of educated women in the development of society
- Massoud Naimi
- February 5, 2023
The role of educated women in the development of society has been widely recognized by experts in various fields. Despite the fact that education is a crucial tool for empowering women and increasing their participation in the workforce, many countries still restrict women from utilizing their education and participating in the workforce. Afghanistan is one […]
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The Taliban has recently detained five men in the Darah district of Panjshir province
- Massoud Naimi
- February 5, 2023
The Taliban has recently detained five men in the Darah district of Panjshir province in Afghanistan. The individuals, Abdul Latif, Ghazi, Mujeeb, Amir Hamza, and Ahmad siar, have been accused of possessing weapons.According to a local source, two of the detainees, Abdul Latif and Ghazi, were former members of the Afghan military who had already […]
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The entire Saudi Arabia embassy in Kabul was evacuated around 1st-2nd February.
- Massoud Naimi
- February 5, 2023
The recent decision by Saudi Arabia to end its diplomatic mission in Afghanistan has raised important questions about the role of diplomacy in international relations, as well as the responsibilities of countries in promoting peace and stability in the world.The Taliban, a militant group that has been active in Afghanistan for many years, is widely […]
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The Taliban’s recent ban on female students – Afghanistan
- Massoud Naimi
- January 29, 2023
The Taliban’s recent ban on female students from taking university entrance exams and their continued restrictions on women and girls’ freedoms are a stark reminder of the human rights violations taking place in Afghanistan. Women are now confined to their homes, banned from participating in sports, working in most sectors, and obtaining higher education. The […]
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The Plight of Afghan Female Athletes: Hidden Behind the Burqa
- Massoud Naimi
- January 29, 2023
In a series of portraits by Associated Press (AP) photographer Ebrahim Noroozi, a group of female athletes in Afghanistan are shown participating in their respective sports while wearing burqas that covered their entire bodies. Despite the restrictions placed on women in Afghanistan under the Taliban administration, including a ban on women participating in sports, these […]
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Taliban’s Ban on Female University Entrance Exams in Afghanistan
- Massoud Naimi
- January 29, 2023
Written by: A.M Introduction:The Taliban has recently announced a ban on female students from taking university entrance exams in Afghanistan for the 2023 school year. This ban, which came in the form of a letter sent to private universities and higher education institutions, has been met with condemnation and lobbying by the international community for […]
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